
October 19th, 2017




I'm thinking 'zombie mechanic' is a good Halloween costume for someone who has to work on Halloween.




How is it that ALL of my midterms are hitting around the same time? It feels that way, anyway. Taking 18 units might not have been the best idea this semester. I'm a touch on the swamped side, and feel like I haven't come up for air.

At least I ordered my Halloween costume early. I've got black cat ears and a tail, and a facepaint crayon to draw on my nose and whiskers. Easy as pie.




A friend at the PD asked if she could swap shifts with me on Halloween. She wants to go to her daughter's Halloween Costume Parade at her elementary school, so she's taking my night shift and I'm getting her day shift.

I guess that makes me free on Halloween night.




Sometimes, dreams can be torture.

At least there's a trade show coming up. It'll be a nice distraction.




I'm not American, but I was Special Forces in the British military, and this whole Niger thing is extremely upsetting to me.


Do you have any contacts in Niger by any chance? Or Africa in general, if not Niger? I don't mind working my way through the contacts of contacts type of network.




I really don't want to work on Halloween. What are the odds of this place being quiet? I just want to see my son's first one. Is that too much to ask?




I am clearly 12 years old.

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