
October 13th, 2017




Today has been a right mess!

My alarm didn't go off so I was late to work. The bus line I usually take was cancelled (really? how can public transport get cancelled??), so I had to walk which meant being outside in this terrible air due to the fires!

I get to work and I somehow burn the pastries I'm in charge of and spill coffee down the front of me.

Made it back home without much worry, but I think I'm just going to camp in bed and not move. I don't wanna take any more chances today. I usually don't believe in superstitions, but today is Friday the 13th, in the month of October! I blame today on today.

At least I escaped without any bodily harm.




I know I've been quiet on this network lately. It was a dream thing. The creepy, icky kind of dream thing, so you've been warned.

He told me he was going to cut off my ear and he started to do it. I woke up in this life -
without the ear, bleeding, confused, and then there was some of that crazy OC stuff to add to the whole mess. I've been trying to get back on track with my classes and work ever since.

I can hear on that side still. The sound is muffled and it's harder for me to tell which direction a sound is coming from. It'll be trickier to cover up than the scar on my neck, but I'm finding ways.

How's everyone else? Still in one piece?




I have always considered myself a rational person. I mean, Friday the 13th isn’t any special day. It’s just a day like any other, and it’s bound to come up every few years. It’s just how calendars work.

But I didn’t hobble down the stairs on my crutches this morning quickly enough and missed the bus. So I had to hobble back up the stairs to wake my dad up and then back down and into the car. We caught every red light between home and the school, so of course I was late. By the time I got to class, I realized somehow I left half of my books on my desk, and my phone still plugged in on the nightstand. So I couldn’t even call or text Dad to bring those to me. My homework? On my desk at home. Wallet? Somehow fell out into the floorboard of the car.

I am beginning to think that missing the bus was the universe’s way of telling me to turn back around and go back to bed.




I work in a bakery. The last things we should ever be out of are flour, eggs, and sugar. Guess what we ran out of today, and in that order? At first we made do. Flourless cake and brownies are a thing. It gets a little tricker to make flourless and eggless things. By the time we got to sugarless, there wasn’t much else we could do. The manager was the one who made the order out for today, and I don’t think she wanted to call the owner and tell her she messed up. So instead of closing early, I got sent to do a grocery store run.

Everything was going alright, although I kept getting stopped by people that thought I worked in the grocery store. My fault for wearing my apron. And… then I had a small accident trying to bring them in. The bag ripped, because grocery store bags weren’t meant to hold several dozen eggs at once. And when the bag broke, so did all of the eggs.

It’s going to be a long weekend.