
October 11th, 2017




I read today that Tamagotchis are coming back. Would I be crazy to get one? I had one when I was little and it always died, but I'm kind of tempted to get one of the new ones. It'll probably still die, but I think it's the nostalgia of it that makes me want one.




I'm working Halloween this year. Hopefully there won't be any dire shenanigans.

(Did I just jinx us?)




The teacher of my Tuesday night class just told us today that we are expected to come in on Halloween.

That'll put a dampener on my festivities for the day.




Shouldn’t there be some sort of limit to how much mucus the body can actually produce before there just isn’t anything left for you to blow out of your nose? Or cough up?




I think after last year - I’m just going to skip dressing up for Halloween and going anywhere. I’m going to stay home and just give out candy to the Trick or Treaters in my building. And of course whatever’s left at the end of the night I get to eat.




I thought my dreams ended before I took my trip this summer, but I guess there were still a couple left.

I... don't even know what to think about them. Sometimes these dreams don't make any fucking sense.




Well lucky me, been getting the same dreams for the past few weeks now. Figured if everyone else is posting about theirs, might as well myself.

Looks like that Orb that Quill stole from me had quite the fancy stone in it. Something called an Infinity Stone that could cause all kinds of destruction. Not that dream me cared it seemed. I only went along with that boy's plan to kick Ronan's ass and save the galaxy so I could get the stone in the end and sell it for a lot of money. Still not likin' the part where I beat the hell outta that boy and nearly killed

Fast forward through a pretty epic battle with our Ravager ships and Ronan's Sakaaran army and I'm askin' for that stone like it's no big deal, even after the light show that helped destroy that blue bastard.

Dream me ain't right in the head.

Glad Quill pulled an old trick on me and swapped out the orbs. Left me with a nice little vintage Troll doll. Well played, kid.