
October 5th, 2017




Who knew looking for apartments was so hard?




This has been a weird few weeks, what with the strange soldiers and weird towers. And then early this week, it got odder, for me. First I dreamed that I was resurrected as a kind of techno-zombie and under the control of a weird queen goth necromancer and her pets, then I was freed and completely confused. In the middle, somewhere, I nearly killed my best friends from when I was originally alive.

Meanwhile, in real life, I made a joking wager, two weeks ago about how no way could things get weirder, with my landlord. He hates this town.

And I lost the wager... so I now own a state of the art apartment complex building thing, which I bought at price. Nice place, and I even managed to get a new and better manager out of it, but... never really thought I would own a business.





With Halloween coming up, I think we all need to be just a teensy bit wary.

Haven't had a year go by in a long time that didn't have some kind of thing happening. There's a reason I don't wear costumes any more.


Its been awhile, we should get lunch. Among other things.

Did I ever show you my nuclear submarine?




Today is World Ballet Day! It's been the best day ever! We've had workshops, talks with ballet choreographers and next Friday we get to do a showcase of work that we've been developing over the past few weeks for the speakers! I love my work so much!