
September 16th, 2017




Against my better judgement, because apparently I need a hobby, I have decided to potentially take up a class of students. If willing, I will be teaching self defense and attack strategies. Much of it will be my own personal fighting style so be honored. A lot of you have developed powers through these so called dreams, but I'll bet a good deal of you don't know shit about how to throw a punch and in this town it seems like something you might need down the line. You can't always rely on your powers alone. You need a fallback and how to use that fallback.

This class won't be for the faint of heart. There will be a waiver and I will need information on your next of kin. Also, training will be taking place at my personal home so don't make me regret inviting you or I'll make YOU regret it.

Idiots need not apply.




To be from London and living here, it brings upon a slew of thoughts and the urge to travel back given recent events. Hasn't been this bad since IRA bombings in the 90s. However, it's a challenge that will take a generation or so to overcome - but we will, and living in fear is no way to live at all.

But alright, I won't go on about that. I find this is entirely too accurate when it comes to parenthood:

cut for image )

Children are disgusting, they really are. Those adorable buggers.




My baby girl turns 1 year old today. You should see her with her cake. She's absolutely covered in the frosting. I don't know where this tradition came from of giving the one year old a piece of cake to smash into her face (and all over her body--there's even some in her hair!) but I love it.




More of those crazy, amazing Dreams! I'm a student in this school for Hunters and living in a dorm with my best friend and two others on my team. We're Team JNPR! I'm the N! Get it? :)

And we went on a field trip to this place called the Forever Fall Forest to collect red sap from the trees. Boy, is that stuff delicious! Think of the most amazing Maple Syrup you've ever had on the best pancakes in the world... and then multiply it by about a billion! Why is it everything tastes better in the Dreams?



September 16 | Caroline Forbes

Thank God it's the weekend. The first few weeks of school are always stressful. Or at least that's what I've been assured from my colleagues. It's all about learning rules and routine and full of assessments. I can't wait until we get to the actual teaching part.


Are you free at all this weekend? Maybe we could have a girls night.




I wish the dreams could like pause during school. I'd be fine with having them during breaks and stuff like that, but during the school year is not the best time for this. Hard to concentrate when I'm thinking dwelling on dreams where something tried to kill me and I half expect something to try while I'm in class.

I've had a lot of dreams over the last month or so, but haven't really talked about them, but it might be good to do that so maybe I won't be dwelling so much.

So when we got to Olympus, we joined the Council of the Gods. Thalia offered to take Zoƫ's place with the Hunters and Ares and Athena suggested that they kill me since with Thalia out of the picture, that left me as the child of the Prophecy, but luckily, some of the other gods didn't agree with that. Artemis said that if they punished us, then they were no better than the Titans. My dad also said that Bessie could stay on Mount Olympus and after that we partied with the gods for awhile then went back to Camp Half-blood. Unfortunately when we got back to camp, I had to tell Nico what happened to Bianca and he took it about as well as I had expected. He hated me for not saving her and then he unintentionally summoned a bunch of skeletons, which, I figured out to mean he was a son of Hades. No one else could have done something like that.

After that, I was telling Annabeth about it when Grover showed up and told us that he heard Pan's voice and that he said, I await you. Cause nothing bad can happen when you heard voices, right?

I went to an orientation for a new high school not long after that. The high school that Paul teaches at, so that's a little weird, seeing Paul in my dreams. I met Rachel again, during the orientation and she ran off, so I followed her to the auditorium and she told me there was something weird about two of the cheerleaders. Turned out they were creatures called, empousai. I ended up killing one, but the other one disappeared. What was worse, Paul and some others saw the incident so me and Rachel ran off and ran into Annabeth, who was waiting for me. Rachel left and me and Annabeth headed to camp.

At camp, Annabeth went off to talk to Clarisse so I wandered around a bit and almost killed a hellhound who turned out to be domesticated or as domesticated as a hellhound can get. Her name was Mrs. O'Leary and she belonged to our new Swords Master Quintus. Chiron showed up then and brought me to Grover and the Council of Cloven Elders, which as you might have guessed was made up of satyrs. It's their job to look for Pan. Annabeth and Clarisse were there along with a nymph.

I woke up just as we got to the meeting, so I can only guess what it's about, but I'm assuming it was about Grover's message from Pan. I just hope that this time around things aren't as crazy as the other times. I don't need anyone else to die on my watch.




Is anyone actually looking at getting the Iphone X? I can't be the only one who thinks it's ridiculous to spend over a thousand dollars on a phone. Regardless of whether or not you can afford it, it's pretty asinine to spend that much money. I think it's safe to say that most people are gonna just end up dropping it and shattering the screen.