
August 11th, 2017




Any suggestions of hotspots in Athens? Food, particularly. I'll be passing through on the way to something that's just come up in Crete and I'll have a few hours there.

If I had more time I'd make a trip of it, there are one or two ruins I've never studied.




isabela. i found something for you. i'm presenting it to you...as soon as it gets here because i already bought it. but look at it. it's what's up. i'm linking this here so everyone can buy their own because obviously you all want one, too.

[ooc: pls understand this is NSFW]




Alright, bitches, I'm just gonna come out and say it.

So there's like a good chance I'm going to do something stupid in these dreams and, say, oh, sacrifice myself to do some kind of portal-closing that may or may not result in my death.

And in the effort to prepare and not scare the living crap out of my boyfriend or brother (depending whose house I'm at) in case it carries over, is there anyone that can do some kind of resurrection voodoo shit? You know, the kind that brings me back like a normal person and not a zombie or whatever. And that doesn't involve someone going to some kind of version of an afterlife to fetch my soul.

Thanks Valarnet. I'm only freaking out a little




I went to Huntington beach on Wednesday with my family! It was so amazing! Lots of people were surfing and kids were playing with the clams.

My little brother tried to get me to pet one and I got all squeamish and ran and he chased me! But I got him back by telling him there were scary sea lice in the sand. He stayed out of the water until I told him they won't hurt him! ..I was a little mean.

Then the later it got, we got to see.. I think they were stingrays! they were small and just swimming by. A dad and son caught one and were releasing it from their hook to throw back, they hadn't meant to get it. They just wanted a fish! I think it's against the rules to keep one anyway?

We watched them swim under the pier and I saw one get totally smacked by a wave! And then we noticed they were heading straight into the shallows where all the people were. I never heard anyone getting hurt so I think they just swam by. We watched the sun set together and ate at the restaurant there. Then my parents went on a little romantic walk down the shore while my brother and I stayed up on the pier. The moon was so big that night... I keep wondering if he's watching it too somewhere.




Is it me or does it seem like it's been quite some time before something's happened around here lately? I mean different than the normal threats of the political climate. Even with school starting up, I find myself... bored. Maybe it's the staying in one place or being used to more excitement. I really can't decide.

Anyone want to go on an adventure?




My Dreams are so damn weird.




Well my move to London didn't turn out as planned. And no I don't want to talk about it.

Who's up for a drink?