
July 31st, 2017




The dreams feel so weird sometimes. I think it's because I don't feel like I'm doing that much and like so much stuff is going on around me. I know things, but I don't really experience getting to know the information. I just know it.

I guess it's just a part of the dreams.




This heat is making it positively unbearable to work in my greenhouse for any length of time. I feel as though I need to encase myself in an ice spell before going in there just so that I may tend my plants and remain comfortable whilst doing so.




I spent way too long looking at puppy photos on the internet today, it started out as research but soon descended into me just wanting to look at the cuteness.

So here have one of the cutest ones I found :)

Cuteness under cut )




Has anyone else had the people in their Dreams change on them? Ever since they started, my Dreams have always involved people from my hometown. At least, until last night. I haven't seen my friend in nearly a year, but lo and behold she popped into the Dreams this time. It probably should've felt odd to see her there, but at the same time, it felt right too. Even when I invited her to go swimming at midni- but it was nice to see her again, too.




It looks like I'll be spending two weeks in New York with my best friend and her family. That's pretty awesome.

[Vanessa Cleveland]
Up for grabbing some coffee or ice cream?

Posted via Journaler.




You know, I'm a little jealous of all you guys. I keep having this recurring dream about my dad turning into an eagle (which seems like a really bad Native American joke, really) but all you guys get to experience whole different lives? No fair.




I had new dreams last night! I gave Ms. Grant the interview, as Supergirl, and she decided to have a party to promote her expose. When she finished it, she asked me, as Kara, to read over it and there were some things I wasn't really happy with, being Supergirl. She said that Supergirl was a millennial hero and said she represents everything that’s wrong with millennials. She was convinced that once things got really bad, Supergirl would call Superman, which is what I'm trying not to do. I want to be more than just Superman's cousin.

On the Supergirl front, one of Superman's villains, Reactron, showed up and Hank didn't want us looking for him, but Winn, James, Alex and I wanted to find him and take him down. But when we did find him, he was too strong and James called Superman, which I wasn't happy about. In the end, we stopped Reactron when he crashed Ms. Grant's party cause Alex figured out a way for me to remove the core of his suit.

After I was going to spend time with Alex, but she told me to find James, cause she knows I kind of like him. So, I went to find him and of course he's with his ex, Lucy Lane and I hear him say they're gonna talk about their break up. So, after I get a message from Clark, congratulating me on defeating Reactron, I did end up spending the rest of the day with Alex.

When I have these dreams, I really can't help but really want these powers and abilities that dream me has. I mean, being mostly invulnerable has got to come in handy. And being able to fly and having super speed and strength. I sort of can't wait to get these powers.




So now it's practically August, would anyone fancy doing a parents and child picnic at some point this month? I'd really like to get to know some more people here!




I've seen so many people on my social media saying that they enjoyed the Young Adult Literature Convention in London this past weekend. I'm incredibly jealous of all their new acquisitions. Anyway, now I'm wondering if I could host something similar here. On a smaller scale obviously. Would people be interested?