
July 29th, 2017




Has anybody be else ever googled, creepy google earth pictures? There's some pretty bizarre things out there that google has caught. There's one, that's actually been reshot since, where it looks like blood on a dock and someone getting rid of a body. What it actually is, is two people and a dog and what looks like blood is actually the dock wet from the dog having been in the water. At first glance though, it does look pretty creepy.




A new set of dreams suck. This time we escaped that crazy haunted house. Had to crash through a window to do it. Apparently, it's Thanksgiving now. I went to visit dad in jail. That is not a fun feeling to do. And what's less fun is waking up with cuts and bruises from jumping through a window.

These dreams are trying to kill me. If this keeps up, I might just join the club Clint was mentioning the other night.




In the latest set of dreams, we're planning to go to Seward, which is where I used to live in Alaska. we're taking the train since we don't really have another choice. That's where the Hubbard Glacier is and that's where they'll be holding Thanatos. Because that's where Alcyoneus is. Not to mention the fact that we have to finish our quest in twenty-four hours.

Of course we can't go on a train ride without things going wrong because we got attacked by Gryphons and Frank had to shoot one with an arrow to save Percy our friend. I'm so not excited about any of this. Franks used up his last spearhead to save the mortals from the Gryphons. I miss We were being pushed back slowly and managed to find ourselves by the Gryphon's nests. They like to collect gold, which seems to be a bird thing. Shiny things.

A lot of the gold in the nests were from the Roman legion. So people from our camp. They probably died there. No one I knew, but that didn't mean I was excited about it. Frank was two seconds from panicking, when our friend said he had a plan. I distracted the Gryphons by lifting all of the gold and coincidentally their eggs out of the nests while the boys ran toward the Hyperborean. When the Gryphons flew toward them, the giant froze them with it's breath, so we are safe from the Gryphons for now. I'm sure there's plenty of other stuff to look forward to and not much by way of sleep.




i have no idea how i missed it for this long, but i just discovered this movie called machete and it is the funniest thing i have ever watched. the priest is basically the best part of the whole thing.

there's a sequel, too! machete kills. i am totally watching it once i'm done with machete. this is basically the best thing i've ever found. who doesn't like a good movie where a guy kills the bad guys with a machete pretty much the majority of the time?




Apparently in order to find the otter, we have to go visit this guy Manchas, who was driving the car when Emmett Otterton went crazy. He lives in the Rainforest District and is a Jaguar. I don't ask too many questions about these things. I just go with it.

So we go to talk to him and the otter fucked his face up pretty bad. Or at least his right eye. I don't know what kind of shit an otter's got to go through to do that, but it had to be something serious. The best part of this story? Well, I convinced him to let us in so we could talk to him about the "Night Howlers" whatever those are. So he goes to let us in and then suddenly he goes just about as crazy as the otter must have gone, because he's trying to kill us. Basically, we're about two seconds from being dead if we don't think of something, so what do we do? Actually manage to think of something. Go team or whatever. This involves a lot of running and a lot of rain and trees. We almost escaped when Carrots nearly fell to her death. I think I actually care. Ugh. That's annoying So I distract the dangerous jaguar while she gets up and then cuffs him to a post. Once that's happened, we go to escape, only to have me nearly die and Carrots saved me...even if she did eventually get us both trapped in vines by the end of it.

Then the police, show up. Obviously. Supposed to be a good thing. Only of course it's not. The Chief's an asshole, which is no surprise. She tries to explain what happened and he doesn't believe her. So he demands her badge because you can't believe a fox. Surprise surprise, folks. Not a trustworthy witness. So naturally I told the guy to fuck off and reminded the Chief that we still had ten hours to find the missing otter. Seriously, fuck that guy and the rest of them. And this is the shit I face, only the shit I faced was 'you can't trust a criminal' more than 'you can't trust a fox'




Well, shit. Either someone spiked the hell out of my drink or, I dunno what.

I thought all y'all were just a bunch of crazies with all this dream talk. Guess not. Looks like I got some dreams of my own. Some crazy nonsense about being this blue alien - smurf blue, like - and my family sold me to some other race of aliens called the Kree. I was some sorta battle slave I guess, then this dude called Stakar upped and freed me and let me join his gang of thugs. Ravagers they call themselves. Buncha' space pirates. Yep, you read that right. Dang space pirates. I'm on the opposite end of the law on this one, seems. And I do a pretty good trade, for a criminal.

And if that ain't weird enough, Petey boy, you're in this dream too. Seems we kidnapped you as a kid from 'Terra' (Earth).