
July 4th, 2017




This week is being a weird one.

First, early this morning, the main female star of the movie I'm in quit, and did it by sending her lawyers to the production studio instead of showing up herself. The director was a little peeved. I'm pretty sure you all could probably hear him, by how loudly peeved he was. Rumors running around now say the whole movie may be cancelled.

Then I got a call from my agent/editor saying her company had seen the latest draft, liked it, wanted more revisions, and wanted to extend the contract into a trilogy, or more. So Wednesday I get to meet with one of the corporate officers to find out exactly what deal they are offering on that.

And when I got home, I learned I had been vandalized, my home stripped. Everything is gone, literally. They didn't even leave the clothing in the closets.

So, I'm, in a hotel, and trying to e-file insurance paperwork, fighting with wireless, and done.

This week is fired.




Not sure what to think about you all. Ran into an old friend who gave me about as much info as I can handle (and that was some trippy shit) but I'm not really a message board kind of individual. Might be more a ghost around here but I thought I'd introduce myself anyway.

I'm Garcian. I clean crime scenes. You might of seen some mofo in a hazmat suit on a lame-ass reality TV show, what, like 'Dirty Jobs' or some shit? Yeah, it's dirty. Scraping blood and bodily fluids off the walls tends to be. Maybe I'll see some of you after you blow yourselves to bits with your damn fireworks, but here's a tip: don't do that.



Attempted filter to the already punctured members of the possibly mythical 'Agency'

So, I don't even know if you all are real, but I had a friend who swore you were, so...

I haven't Dreamed yet, but I got a present from my dream world, and, after seeing the movies that were made about that world, it seems like something you all should have, if you are really out there protecting this place.

I woke to one of the Ultron sentry's heads sitting on my bedside table. Nearly scared me to death, mind you.

Not that it's moving or anything, but... uhm, something tells me it is better not to have it just be sitting around.





As a doctor, who has seen some really awful Fourth of July related injuries in the past, I feel obligated to say, be careful with fireworks today. Really, be careful with whatever you do today. The 4th of July is not a day you want to spend in the ER.




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So people have fun plans right? I do, even though I'm British and really shouldn't be celebrating this with you ;P

But seriously Happy Independence Day to everybody. Hope you all have a good one!



Filtered away from Asami and Korra

I've always found Occam's Razor to be the most interesting of principles. Not just the law of parsimony, though it's saved me many sleepless nights. No, I mean the philosophy. The idea that the simplest of two ideas could and should be considered the correct one every time just never sat well with me, even as I saw how it worked, almost every time. In a world as complex as ours, with the consideration of emotions so extreme and illogical that they obey no law, how could that posssibly be true?

Today I get it. If someone disappears, is it more likely that they were kidnapped by someone they knew, or abducted by aliens? If a person is poor, is it more likely that it was a matter of circumstances, or meritoriousness? If one keeps losing those they care for, is it more likely that it's something to do with them, or with every single person that left them?

The simple solution is always the likely one. No matter how astoundingly unfair that may seem.

In unrelated news, I'm going drinking tonight, family be damned. Who's coming with me?




Happy 4th of July! Please be safe and don't drink and drive. My brothers and I are volunteering with a program that offers free rides home tonight. Feel free to call if you're too drunk to drive home. [number].