
May 25th, 2017




So Pan is happy again - his army of cardboard boxes is back to hide in and scare me when I walk past. I really think I’ve been wasting money all these years buying him toys and scratching posts. I could have just been giving him cardboard boxes to play in and he’d have been perfectly happy with them and his hoodies.




We have less than a month left until the end of the quarter, but my brain already feels like it’s been replaced with Jello. Who wants to do something as a distraction from studying? I think I’m going to go crazy otherwise. Anyone at Irvine feel like having a water balloon fight or something?




It appears the dreams have been generous enough to deliver the remains of the materials I needed for my ship. I must say it's been quite the personal project to work on and I'm excited to finish it and see her fly. I certainly hope anything I work on that comes after this won't feel boring in comparison. Apologies, Tony.




Am I the only person who finds Don Wildman, the host of "Mysteries at the Museum" on the travel channel to be an insufferable prat? If they actually wanted people to be interested in those mysteries they should find someone with just a touch of charisma.

And of course a background in archaeology wouldn't hurt a bit.




Um, so my sister says I need to "break out of my shell" and "branch out" more so um. Hi. I'm Ruby. I don't know what she means, I'm perfectly fine




Happy Towel Day everyone! Don't forget to take yours with you wherever you go!

I for one will be reading one of my favourites again which is Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I may even watch the film!




One of my pet peeves in the office is when there are donuts and instead of people taking a whole one, they either take half or pieces, leaving almost no whole donuts when certain people get a chance to get away from their work to get one. Anyone else feel this way or is it just me?