
May 21st, 2017




OMG you guys. After a conversation I had not too long ago on the network, I decided to start looking into open casting calls. And I had my sister help me find ones that were legit, you know? Not some creepy dude in a basement trying to make amateur porn. Anyway, I found a job! I'm going to be in a music video! XD I don't know all of the details yet, but I'm SO EXCITED!




Helllo, Orange County and Valarnet!

I'm back, after a year or so of touring and vacationing oversees. Things went south there, and I got a call. My publishers apparently expect me to write an actual book or something. So, I'm back to the place that always inspired me.

For those that don't know me, my name is Match, and I'm dreamed of living a weird life in a world of superheroes and villains. Here, I've published a few books in science fiction and fantasy, and after a year, it looks like my bosses want more.

How the heck are all of you?