
May 18th, 2017




I've worn some questionable things in the past, but I don't think even I would wear one of these. Some guys could pull it off, sure, but I'm not one of them.




It would be nice if those who supposedly know me so well would know that there are reasons I am taking a particular position with the latest shake up of hierarchy instead of assuming it's for personal reasons or that I am blind to what is going on. Most people do not take a position with the acronym S.A.D.I.S.T. for fun. I get the work we do, but after this long and everything else I have been trusted with before, it's rather insulting to be questioned on said reasoning.




One of these days I will actually write a paper well enough in advance instead of waiting until the morning it is due.

Today is not that day. Ugh. Time management is clearly overstated. Or something.

Okay so... I was going to say something after the whole Star Wars thing because it kinda came up with Spencer but then I didn't because it still made it real and needing to catch up on my schoolwork and everything else I had let slide instead of thinking about it.

Anyway. Caleb and I broke up. He was arrested because of things from his past and he didn't want me to put my life on hold. So. Yeah. That happened. You were right, Spence. Hope breeds eternal misery.




Good idea: bringing a container of cereal and milk to work so I can eat breakfast.

Bad idea: Deciding to save the cereal and milk for lunch because a nice co-worker hands me a nice warm bagel to eat instead.

Lesson learned: Shredded wheat absorbs milk crazy fast and becomes nothing but moosh. I had mooshy cereal for lunch today and it was gross.




I wish I could stop dreaming already. Apparently, even if I didn't do anything to deserve my reputation, people are still willing to treat me like I did. "It doesn't matter if you deserve it". I guess it doesn't because people are going to treat me the same way.

I can't even get a job because people think that I'm going to do something to their daughters. It's so stupid. I didn't even do anything. At least Spencer and Emily I kind of hate people. Or maybe I just hate the people in Rosewood.




The giants in my dreams just keep getting even scarier. We thought we were safe behind the second wall, but we weren’t. Some new type of Titan showed up and rammed the gate, breaking it so that the other Titans could get through and start attacking us again. I ended up on a boat with my grandfather heading further into safety. Eren and his sister were on the boat too, but Grandfather wanted me to give them space since their mother had just died. I don’t agree with him, but he’s the only family I have there so what am I gonna do?

We ended up in another city. The inhabitants there weren’t happy about a bunch of refugees showing up and taking up their supplies and it was just a shit situation for everybody. Some of the adult refugees got sent out on scout missions, including my grandfather, and I’m pretty sure he’s not coming back. So I’m alone except for my friends there, and they convinced me to join the Army with them. Well, Mikasa and I join to keep Eren alive because somebody has to.

Don’t you ever speak to me here the way you did there or I will make you pay for it. I love you but I’m not going to put up with it.

And that probably doesn’t make any sense to you because you haven’t dreamed it yet, but you’ll know what I’m talking about when you get there.