
May 9th, 2017



[Filtered Away from Non-Puncturable Star Wars Characters]

I'm still in shock over the most recent events. It was Star Wars! STAR WARS!!! I mean, how cool is that?! I mean, sure there was a Starkiller Base and a battle, but I also saw Droids roaming around and even a few Ewoks. I'm curious, did anyone see Jar Jar Binks? I can only imagine what he'd look like in real life. I mean, yeah, he was the worst thing about the prequels, but still. You can't tell me that it wouldn't be interesting to see him.




I've been holding off 'cause I've been hoping my boyf best friend would make his way back here, but it's beginning to look like that's a lost hope and I can't afford to keep paying for this apartment myself. Don't suppose there's any chance of someone out there needing a roommate or a place to live? Bonus points if you'll geek out about comics, video games, or science with me.




That was quite an experience, though it allowed me to work with my biotics that have crossed over from the dreams. It felt damn good to let loose.

After all that excitement, if people wish to unwind and as a reminder, my club Afterlife is having its grand opening this weekend. If you're at least 18, it gets you into the club. There will be music all weekend. If you're 21, you can get into the other part of the club, the strip club. Bars are fully stocked, there will be plenty of alcohol to go around. And then some. It first opens on Friday, the the grand opening extravaganza lasts all weekend.


Afternoon everyone. I'm still new to how things are done around here so please forgive me if I'm not up to slang or the norm or..a network of communication?

But as a new sheriff for your community it's only right I become apart of that community. My name is Rick Grimes, I've just transferred here from King County, Georgia. And no, I won't be debating on whether or not our cooking is better, because it is. Decent ice breaker?

I've never been past the state of Kentucky so I look forward to getting to know you all and now things work on this side of the states.




Imagine being angry for 18 years. Stewing in your rage and your thirst for vengeance. I thought stranding him was a mercy. He killed so many. Attacked my ship.

In the same day I found out I had a son, I lose my best friend. It was my fault, me and my arrogance.

Most of them were cadets. It was supposed to be a training cruise.