
April 27th, 2017




The leasing agent for my apartment sent me an email to remind me that my lease was going to up here soon and asked if I wanted to renew. I didn’t even realize it had been that long since I moved in here.




They set my first audition date for music school. The fact that I’m waiting until so late means I might not be able to start in the fall but I should be able to next spring. Gives me some time to figure out financial aid so that it’s not all on Maman to pay for it.




Okay so my dreams have taken a turn into the kind of cute instead of disturbing and emotionally scarring which after the last couple is a nice change of pace. Especially with Penny almost setting my place on fire thanks to his I met this girl playing soccer and noticed that we had matching necklaces on and then I wake up and my necklace from the dreams is around my neck.




Part of me is going to miss all that wind and rain, it was just like being at home only with added northern lights. Mind you, the way this place is I'm sure we'll get some other crazy weather at some point.




I haven't had a dream in months - not since the one where I was shot. But I woke up this morning and there were new items from my dreams on the bedside table.

My mother's engagement ring and my father's watch. Two items that my parents still have and wear here, but that I owned in the dreams.

I'm not sure what it means, or even if it means anything, but it's certainly weird and just a bit unsettling. Because I know I was shot, I had the bruise on my chest for weeks where the bullet entered my body in the dreams and without anything to follow it up, I assumed I had died in them.

But, now, I'm questioning that and, scariest of all? If I didn't die, what actually happened?




I've had several dreams over the last couple of days. Wasn't quite expecting to dream so much this week. I usually have a dream a week, sometimes less. The latest dreams I've had included an innocent man dying before he could be exonerated for a murder that he didn't commit. The evidence to prove it resulted in the death of another innocent man because he happened to be transporting it. The original victim was the daughter of a senator and unfortunately because of his mother, he never knew about her until the end of the case. In another dream, I learned not to trust an escort because they might be playing me. I will admit, I got played. In another one, Alexis was helping out in the precinct while we worked on a case of a man who had a wife and a fiancée claim him. It seemed like the engagement with the second woman was just a cover because the victim was working for a competing company and trying to find their secret to success to bring back to his company. That would be too much for me. Despite the case, it was nice going into the precinct with Alexis, even though I worried about her the entire time.




I miss laying on the beach in the sun.

Though, being free to explore the night landscapes is pretty amazing.




And with that, on to delightful may foods.

i cant even look at Logan right now, thanks Laura




Is it just me or was the last world’s most interesting man more...interesting than the new one.




Bill Nye Saves The World is now hands down the best show on Netflix. But then again anything with Bill Nye is awesome.

Best quote from it so far; "They're putting frog genes in the tomatoes!"