
April 19th, 2017




Last few nights I've dreamed in a flood. The Shore Leave planet again, the return of Harry Mudd, being stuck in a frozen area of time and space with Klingons, exploring an ocean, nearly losing some crew-members to the Kzinti...

Cut for length )




Previews are done, the reviews are in and The Pirate Queen officially opens tomorrow for the next three weeks! Time certainly flies when you're in production and performance mode.




So dream me finally formulates a way to get out of prison. A lot of other shit happened before that like Pete making fun of me cause I'm a raccoon. Dude, why would you do that? I thought we were friends. And making fun of Groot because all he says is "I am Groot." Rude, I tell ya. I didn't like you much at that point.

But yeah, the best part was the escape plan. Told Pete I needed some guy's prosthetic leg, when I really didn't. But I don't think Pete knew that because he went to get it anyway.




This doesn't usually happen, but I had a Dream while meditating. It was vivid, like usual, only more so. After I'd left Bail, I knew I needed kyber crystals to build new lightsabers.

OOC cut for spoilers for the Ahsoka novel )




This psychic shit can just fuck off forever. I don't want to see these things. Nobody wants to see these things. If you can't change them, what's the point?

Tell me you're okay.




My dreams know how to hit me where it hurts. Last night me and the others were preparing to box up the Master and Vasiliy said something about me sleeping with every other person I met. I called him a sanctimonious, hypocritical prick and sort of... Walked away. Apparently things aren't good between us. I hope this doesn't fuck things up with the Master.




I cheated on my workplace and went to Starbucks today. I had to! I had to try this magical creation they're calling the unicorn frappucino. It was beautiful and tart and a little weird, but I liked it. Once I'd slurped that up, it was back to Alice's Tea Cup where, by the way, our tea and coffee is the best even if we don't have clever, color-changing frozen drinks.

So far nothing new with my (former?) admirer. I haven't seen him around. It's been kind of a relief.




TMW you get a phone call from your dad asking you to bring your boyfriend around for dinner again sometime. I think Easter dinner must have been a hit. That says a lot.




So this is apparently where people introduce themselves, but I'm not really good with social media. I prefer books to people this sort of thing. But hello, my name is Blake.




It's nice to see the dreams haven't gotten any less dramatic. I imagine they will remain this way. At least no one can say it will ever get boring.

I am perpetually weak to my brother I am tempted to punch myself in the face, but I don't think that would work or do me any good, so I guess I'll just have to live with my choices

Apparently despite all of my preparation and good reasoning, I seem to be much the same as I always was. My brother is still alive and he has our family somewhere. Supposedly safe. I would say I was surprised, but I am not surprised in the slightest. He says he'll take me to them, but I can't help but wonder what the catch is and what annoyance I'll be suffering for letting him live. Needless to say, I am not looking forward to what I'll see next, but I need to know.