
March 25th, 2017




I never went to any dances when I was in high school. So to go to a formal in my dreams with this Stiles kid was kind of nice, even though dream me seems to be a bitch at times. I hope that changes. Still everything seemed fine until I went looking for asshole Jackson.

Getting attacked isn't fun. but waking up in extreme pain isn't fun either. Seems the attack mark i got in my dreams, i woke up to having in reality.

Has that happened to anyone before?




Been awhile since my last dream update for the adventures of Kate Kane in World War 2.

After being rescured by Mera and Atlantis, we ended up in Zambesi. Not the first time I'd been to that country. I was there in my younger, naive days, apparently.

Old wounds dug up, old memories, betrayal, capture, giant mechanical animals. It was a party.




I can't wait to take Liv to Australia. I can't remember the last time I travelled for something other than work. Then again, I can't really complain about all the travelling I had to do for work, given that my work generally involved a whole lot of partying. It's too bad that I probably won't be travelling for work again.

So, what's there to see in Australia? Other than all the deadly animals.




You know, in my dreams the things that I think I hate the worst aren't the Silence. Oh, don't get me wrong, I hate them for what they did and how they took me away from my family but at least they got to raise me in a way in a past regeneration. But I hate the Weeping Angels so much more. They denied me the chance to see my parents through the rest of their lives. Oh, yes a vortex manipulator is like a motorbike but even I could only work through those holes a certain amount. So they lived to be quite old and I didn't get to see them do it.

I bloody hate the Weeping Angels for that.

But at least I've got my vortex manipulator here now. Maybe I'll take her for a spin. Too bad this couldn't have happened before the invasion. I would have quite liked to have them to take some of this angst out on.