
March 18th, 2017




I dreamed about Halloween again, though there was a lot more to it than just dressing up as a space cowboy. There was a murder that seemed to involve vampires and werewolves. Unfortunately, they were not real, which was a bit of a disappointment. I was helpful for the case. Apparently, dream me has a lot of connections with just about everyone for almost everything you can possibly imagine. Then there was another dream about a singer whom Alexis is a fan of. Alexis ended up helping a lot with that case.

But enough with the dreams today. I'm taking the kids to see Beauty and the Beast. Has anyone seen it yet?


Would you and Lily like to join us for the movie?




I've had a set of healing herbs carried over from the dream fairy aside from Dream Set #2 and behold, it was a saving grace - woke up with my windpipe not in the best shape thanks to an assassin in Dream Set #3 that snuck into my bedroom and almost choked me to death while staying in a castle. Someone didn't skimp on the money it took to hire a killer with some credibility, and it turns out this guy's never missed a target up until my swordsman pal heard the scuffle and barged in (wearing pajamas) to fight him off me. Nothing gets by Gourry, not even sneak attacks in the room next to him. It's like having a guard dog.

And now begins that reliable, stable cycle of being hunted, losing sleep, paranoia, another possible end of the world scenario caused by yours truly, but who knows. This one's got enough variance that it might go down differently. I'm still waiting for the fruitcake in cheap priest robes to show up and troll me appropriately.

Anyway, I stumbled upon the princess I named my daughter after and I hope, hope that I didn't curse my kid into fulfilling her namesake's reputation. Which involves longwinded speeches of justice and truth, while standing up in a high place, in the face of danger, like the demons she's talking to are about to realize the error of their ways and stop doing what demons do.




I died again. It seems like that's inevitable, no matter what universe I dream of. I died to hold off the flood of a dam breaking, so everyone else could escape. And then I let the water crash in around me.

But I don't think that was the end.




I am so hung over... an bruised to no end.....