
March 14th, 2017




National potato chip day. I've been craving Cool Ranch Doritos like crazy. I don't think that counts as potato chips but close enough.

Also I don't do this often but thanks to everyone that came to the baby shower. And Cindy and Lina for throwing it. Logan now his work cut out for him with the nursery. Pretty sure I have Lina to thank for all the presents.




Can't believe it's that time of year already. Happy Pi Day everyone! Now who can tell me who's got the best pies in the county?




My mom has been sending me pictures of the snow storm out in Boston all morning. She loves snow and was jealous that we got so much in December and they haven't gotten as much.




Friday night. St. Patrick's Day. Who's going out? I'm thinking of doing a little bar hopping.




Wrecked my bike today. Some arse tried to cut me off and I've got a nice rash on my hip now.

It's a custom built Frankenstein's Monster, she was one of a kind.

But I'll fix her right up. The dents and scratches add character!




These dreams seem to love irony. Apparently in them I went to a space station called Omega and worked as an exotic dancer at a club called Afterlife. I can see the parallels to my life here. They almost make me laugh.

Also apparently I'm an alien. Considering items from the dreams crossover, should I expect physical changes to crossover as well?




I legit miss having my dreams. Seeing the others from them posting about where they are at...it's like, knowing the end of a really cool movie and doing all you can to not give out spoilers. I'd rather be dreaming along with 'em.

ANYHOW. Wedding plans are coming along, bit by bit. Flowers are done (of course, hello), we all know who's providing the cake :D, location's squared away. We're workin' on invitations and eventually food. And decorations. Yeah, we kinda need someone for that. Any takers?