
March 9th, 2017




About a month ago I asked Lily what she would like to do with her week off from school in March. I thought she'd do the usual for a kid her age, ask to go to Disney or some other theme park or some really extravagant and far reaching place that we couldn't manage to get to, properly enjoy, and then get her back to school without extreme jetlag the following Monday.

But Lily is full of surprises. A couple of days after I asked her about it, she told me that she wanted to go back to New York. She wants to stay in our old apartment, eat in her favorite restaurant, go see the Atlantic Ocean and her swing in the park a few blocks from our place. At first, I thought of telling her no, not really wanting to stir up the memories of what we had in Manhattan and leaving her upset when the time came to come back here, but I changed my mind.

New York is home. It's where I was raised, where Lily spent the first six years of her life. She's only seven, but that city is in her blood just like it's in mine and trying to pretend it isn't is absurd. So we're going to drop Yoshi off with my parents tomorrow night and hop on a plane for NYC Friday morning.

A little nostalgia never hurt anyone.




When did it become March?
How long was I

Because one never knows what you may find on the network, I am in search of scientific journal or article recommendations if anyone has some. Preferably from the past month or so.

[Martha and the Doctor]
Thank you.




I'm currently holding up the sky in my dreams. Somehow that doesn't seem like an easy task.




Baby was born and shit got real. My old friend Hercules fought Hera and Zeus. He ended up killing his father, and from what I understand Hera was destroyed by Zeus, or at least neutralized. So I take my baby, Eve, and hatch a plan to fool them into thinking me, Gabrielle and Eve are killed. We swap the baby for a fake baby and my friend Octavius takes care of her while we do our plan.

Athena was already pissed at me because I beat her in a battle. We beat them again and the last thing I remember is drinking the tears of Celesta to fake my death in front of Ares.