
March 7th, 2017




Out of everything that carries over from these dreams, please tell me pregnancy is not one of them.




Why is it that people I consider close friends tend to leave? C'est la vie...

I am down a worker, so if anyone is interested in working at my clothing store, please stop by or fill out an online application and I will contact you.




on the list of things i'm not drunk enough for, my life is at the top of the list. and yet i have to be at work and that requires me to be sober. why is the universe punishing me?

if anyone wants to make terrible, drunken mistakes get drunk with me after i'm off work, probably let me know so i know to tell you where to go. if you're coming, though, don't be the emotional, oversharing sort of drunk and don't try to be my mum. none of that is acceptable tonight. i mean, if you want to feed me alcohol while also not letting me die, i guess you're allowed, but you still have to feed me alcohol or let me feed it to myself




My dream aunties tried to feed me carrots. I'm a baby, though, so I can't eat carrots or vegetables. I get the feeling that they really don't know how to care for babies in the dreams. Luckily, there was a crow that brought me food that I could actually eat. It was kind of weird, but at least it stopped me from being super hungry.

It's still very strange to keep dreaming of myself as a little baby, though.