
February 11th, 2017



Text Post

Hello? Anyone here?




You know what sucks... Waking up black and blue because the cruises from your dreams decide to bleed through, all thanks to Castle. Fyi Frank, your guy needs a new hobby lol. But least I had a power charger with me so once I took it, I was able to punch him through a glass display window with one hit... In front of my dream friends though...

Next thing I know, I wake up in my room at my dream dads house.

These dreams are going to cause me to drink....




As the saying goes, the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. It's certainly applicable for me today since I arranged for a babysitter, carefully planned a day out, and then woke up at 5 a.m. miserably sick. So rather than enacting all my plans, today has been about lying in bed and binge-watching The Crown on Netflix.

And I still had to pay the babysitter, who, to my great surprise, has a 24-hour cancellation policy.




The dreams seem no less unusual the more of them I have. I saw myself in England briefly. Very briefly. I can't say my hairstyle was something I'd ever want to repeat. The clothing either. I also seem to have interesting ways of handling problems. I'm not sure that I'd choose to repeat those either. I suppose if I had to, I would, but

Apparently I am attempting to lure Klaus out to kill him. What sense that is supposed to make, I cannot say My choices seem to make less sense the more of them I see, but I suppose having the full picture might explain a few things, but it isn't explaining anything better at the moment.




I've said it before and I'll say it again, it upsets me that Rochefort in these dreams is possibly the worst human alive. He was such a good ally in that one set I had, and I'd developed a sort of fondness for him.

Though these dreams have always been something of a mess, I think. I'm forever grateful to have very understanding friends who do not punch me in the face when I do stupid things, and now that the inevitable has happened and I've been arrested for treason I'm certain they'll come to my rescue.

I hope.

Or this is going to be a messy way to end things.