
February 5th, 2017




One of the coffee shops I frequent (yes one of. I have plenty.) has a "drink of the month" special. For February, it's a Raspberry, White Chocolate Mocha. Sounds like sugar in a cup to me, but people swear by it. So I've ordered one, and am waiting for the barista to finish making it.

Should I be this nervous over trying a new drink?




who thought it was a good idea to make dream me a teacher? this is a terrible idea. muggle studies and deputy headmistress? what even? lol. someone trusts me. trusts me to be the worst at this job or maybe someone just hates students.




I'm extremely grateful for Joe, for letting me crash at his place this past weekend. A break from the dreams is just what I needed. I'll have to do it again another time.

Now, between fighting Castle again, but this time as not spider-woman is hard and not fun feeling. Though, I could have used the recharge I had but I didn't. Instead I confront Castle on stalking me (which is creepy) and the jerk almost arrest me! On top of that, he knows I'm Spider-woman....

Dreams just keep getting better and better....




I'm such a sap. The end of Love Actually gets me everytime. No matter how many times I've seen it, the last ten minutes or so has me sitting here crying like I've never seen it before.




I'd question my dreamself's choices except I understand how hard it can be to escape from that kinda relationship.



[Filtered Away from Unpuncturable DC Characters]

Not gonna lie, I'm actually looking forward to seeing the Lego Batman Movie. It looks really funny. I wonder what my dad would think about it if he knew who he was in the dreams.