
February 2nd, 2017




This year started by 'coming out' to my sister. And by 'coming out,' I actually mean letting her know that thanks to the mechanics of the home we all love to hate, my entire genetic and physiological form is no longer native of this world. It was taken surprisingly well with a lot of questions and a lot more jokes about how I resemble a scaly cockatiel, but I'd take that reaction over horror and never hearing from her again.

Anyone else on the same boat? Got changed into something else and can't keep it from your family for the rest of your natural life? I'm thinking I need to take an approach that is less 'surprise, look at me' like I did with Solana and ease my parents into it. Eventually my in-laws, too, but they'll be last. Maybe it'll be easier to swallow than imagining their daughter living in sin before marriage but we'll see.

At least it'd explain the wedding we had in space more than the excuse that we just had a really good connection with some guy from NASA.