
January 20th, 2017




Not being able to fall asleep has led me to just watching random videos on YouTube, where I came across this gem.

It doesn't matter how old it is or how many times I see it. I will forever be amused.




What do you do when you can't tell what reality and a nightmare is anymore?I used to think teas were over rated, but apparently they actually have health worth. Now if I could just get through them without burning myself to hell that'd be great.




The new leader of the country quoted a Batman villain in his speech. My brain hurts, my soul is sad, and I'm still considering moving to Paris. They have macarons.




I've spent most of the day grading papers and flipping through Netflix originals. There sure are a lot of them now. It's been a good distraction for today, especially since Dream!Kate is annoyed with me for doing something I promised I'd never do. Dream!me couldn't help it, he just had to know. I think it's given the case a fresh new look. And I think she was also annoyed by the reporter that was tagging along to the crime scene too.