
January 17th, 2017




Do you ever look at your Dream Self and just think, "Calm down there, General Edgelord." But then again my Real Life Self bought these sheets so who am I to judge?

In lighter news, Poe bought the Star Wars thumb wrestling thing for us to play with.

The bastard keeps beating me at it.




I cannot believe we're halfway through January already, I didn't even notice. My goodness, I need to get my head out of my work some day again.

We should get out of town for a few days. Ooor we can spoil our favorite protege and take her for a weekend jaunt somewhere?




I went to see my massage therapist today. It was glorious in the moment, but now my muscles are at the point where they've been smushed around and don't know what to do. So they've resorted to soreness.

But in the pursuit of relieving tension, it's worth it.




I wasn't entirely sure what to expect when we finally found the Director, but that sure as hell wasn't it. The parallels between the dream and the real world sometimes make me wonder. There's still a lot of wrong to make right, but I think dream me has finally learned to let things go.

Guess I should too.