
December 21st, 2016




My mother came over the other day to drop off a few things that I'd left at their home when I was staying with them. She was appalled by my lack of Christmas decorations, and took it upon herself to remedy that. Now it looks as if my apartment has been bathed in the Christmas spirit. Even my neighbors have commented on the lights that are around all of my windows by saying how nice it looks. It does look nice, and well, it did put me more into the Christmas mood.




Well I say, this is a cunning little network to meet others who live here, isn't it? Certainly does a chap good to know there is an easy way to make friends upon being new around here. Percy Blakeney is my name, it's a pleasure to meet you all through a computer screen!




You know... Christmas shopping is soooo hard to do when trying to stop a bad Santa from robbing a bank in the middle of the night >.<

Aside fromt hat I am having a Christmas get together for anyone who wants to come!




I finally managed to catch a Snorlax! I found it in my bedroom at my parents when I opened the app by accident, and decided to just go ahead and see what was in there after it opened all the way.