
December 19th, 2016




After all this talk of the "strange happenings" in the OC and my sister's habit of mentioning this community, I thought that it might be time to look into it. My name is Elijah Mikaelson. I may be in danger of getting an earful for joining, but I suppose I've lived with worse things.

Rebekah, are you lurking around here somewhere? Kol?




We've been working on Christmas themed choreography at the studio for the last two months, mostly, and while I love this time of year I'm just about done with Christmas songs in general. We have one more performance then it's on to the next thing. Next month we'll be hosting a weekend dance workshop on January 20th-22nd, anyone of any level is welcome to attend, and I'll be doing a special choreography for everyone to learn. Now, it's just to figure out what song to use. I have a few that I've been wanting to use for various things, so maybe I'll choose one of those.

Just in case though I'm happy to take some suggestions of songs that you've been listening/dancing around to.




I survived Furbies, I survived Tickle Me Elmo, and as some god as my witness I will survive Hatchimals too.

Though I may need my pumpkin princess to get me through this.




This post speaks to me on so many levels. And it's also surprisingly better than focusing on the dreams and how much of an ass Mike and the others are I'm choosing to focus on this and nothing else that's been happening.




For those looking to get a man in your life some stylish clothing and accessories, DP will be open until Friday. I've decided to give my employees Friday, Saturday and Sunday off, so make sure you don't wait until the absolute last day to buy a gift.

We will be open from 9am until 8pm.

And to those that attended my holiday fiesta...thank you. I appreciated your attendance and company. ;)




I think this may be the best thing I've seen this Christmas season.

Liam Neeson as Santa is the best thing ever.




This is the longest period I've spent away from work and it's all because I'm wearing my boyfriend's body. It's a very handsome body, Scott, but I think the shock would probably send my students into a tailspin. I guess I should probably enjoy my time away.

Is that children's hospital still looking for volunteers?




Donated some old blankets to a pet shelter today. I feel like I might have increased my good karma a little bit. Even our four legged friends need to stay warm and comfy.

Those places are damn depressing, though. Don't get me wrong, they're not short on smiling faces who take excellent care of the animals, but seeing those animals in their respective cages just sort of sadly waiting for someone to come along and adopt them?

So I may have adopted an old, cranky, grandma of a cat. I don't think she likes me, but that makes me like her more. Her name is Ginger. It wasn't very creative given that she is ginger, but it's what the shelter called her and I didn't want to confuse the poor thing.