
November 17th, 2016




My dreams can stop sucking any time now. I'd be totally okay with that, but I have this feeling that they won't stop sucking any time soon.

trigger warning; mentions of suicide and death. viewable to all )




I hate to admit it, but work has definitely dried up in this economy. I mean, even in good old Cali, fewer people are hiring private jets, so piloting isn't paying what it used to. So...back to the job market. I have got to cover rent and I don't want another roommate right now but if I have to...

Anyone have any leads for a highly qualified pilot and mechanic?




Christmas music has been playing since the 9th of November, decorations for sale in some stores since Labor Day...can we just make it a universal law that NO CHRISTMAS is allowed until after Thanksgiving?




I noticed another gray hair coming in yesterday. Today I turned 37.

Biology is mocking me. I know I'm getting old, you don't have to rub it in.




So, uh. Question. Do the Dreams like when you're stressed or something? Because I started having them again. The same ones, or, well. I guess they're the same ones. No differences that I noticed but since they keep starting over again, who knows. Not in order, just kinda jumping to the bad stuff.

Anyway, haven't been sleeping much so I've been watching a lot of Netflix. I found this show about art that, y'know, normally not my cup of tea but the name was a pun so I had to. It's actually not bad. That may just be the 2am talking, though.




There's so much talk about who's going to be at the December 2nd premiere of Swan Lake! Apparently a lot of wealthy people who contribute regularly to the ballet will be in the audience. No pressure, right? Anyway, I'll be dancing my best for every single show.




Eph and I are a team in my Dreams, now. We're doing some seriously mad science. We sat in Central Park playing chess until the sun set, waiting for Strigoi to attack us. I was winning the game, by the way. We killed a few of them. One was sure to sting Eph, but I saved his life, then we nabbed one of them so we could study its brain back at the apartment.

Once back at the apartment, I discovered a link. The Strigoi are affected by microwaves. This could be something big.




Damon, Kol. we need a new plumber for the bars. The one that we've hired that does work on Ciao Bella is a racist misogynistic asshole verbally assaulting women at the store.

Let's go convince him to have better...manners.




Some dickhead at the liquor store told me Trump is going to send me home. Here I thought I was blending in pretty well. Screw this noise. Why does Canada get an angel who looks like he stepped out of GQ and we get some dipshit who looks like he rolled in the stuff at the bottom of a bag of Doritos?




I thought I’d be glad when the election was past because it would put an end to the endless debates among my coworkers about their candidates and things could get back to normal but I was wrong. It seems like they switched one set of debates for another and after I’m just tired of it. I think I’m going to start spending a lot more time in my classroom as opposed to the teacher’s lounge just so that I can get some peace and quiet.




So - in the dreams Brady was how I met Sam. He set us up on a blind date. Which was nice. A little weird to dream about with how well I know Sam here God I miss him right now but still nice.


Okay - you are not allowed to buy yourself any books between now and Christmas. Because I got your Christmas present yesterday after I left mom’s. And the no books thing goes for dark and British too. He’s not allowed to buy you any either. I found you the perfect book and I am not willing to take the chance that it’s a duplicate.