
October 16th, 2016




See? I went and spoke too soon! I think. I mean..how do you know it's a dream, or a Dream?

So I am a kid again, like three tops. And doing my kid thing, coloring, singing, but a generally annoyingly adorable child (hah! Beat you to the 'annoying' part Regulus and Sirius). And then? Out of the freaking blue my skin turns PLAID. Plaid people. It was awesome.

Not so awesome was the reminder that Mom's side of the bio family (minus the two awesome dudes mentioned above) pretty much hate the idea of me. But whatevs!




A thousand brilliant little lives, all that potential, all those sharp minds, all of them. Wiped out in a millisecond. Cosmic bitch.

And now I get to listen to that last little echo of them, their limited consciousness, and never know the potential they could've reached. Motherhood is a cruel joke.




My daughter's ears are ever so slightly pointed. I hope she is not teased too much for it. They're quite lovely.




I may or may not have used compulsion on a kid today to make them stop crying. I honestly can't say if I did it on purpose or by accident either. It was near the end of the night and clearly the kid was tired so it was understandable that she was crying and I was all in character as Rapunzel and told her that she shouldn't cry for whatever reason and she was looking right at me and stopped almost instantly. Now it's not the first time I've accidently compelled someone, but definitely the first time I've done it to a kid.