
October 14th, 2016




It's Winnie-the-Pooh's 90th Birthday today.

I remember my mum reading me the Winnie-the-Pooh stories when I was a kid and it's definitely among the must read list for my kids. I loved being read to and I think it's what encouraged my love of books.




Finally. Ain't nothin' beat a Cuban.




You know what? My dreams can go screw themselves. Dream!Tyler is now an orphan, I guess. I almost wish Klaus lived here just so I could rip him apart myself.

But I'm not an orphan here, so I guess the annual Lockwood masquerade party didn't stop after I went away to college. Because there's literally no other way I'd like to spend my Halloween than hanging around with a bunch of politicians and Dad's donors.


Though it wouldn't be so bad if you came with me. Want to be my date?