
October 11th, 2016




Well - another night another dream. Maybe one day I’ll learn to quit telling people when it’s been awhile since I’ve had a dream. That always seems to be followed by me having one. This time I got to meet someone I don’t actually know here: a guy named Brady that just bumped into me while I was walking between classes. Literally. He seems...okay I guess.




My Halloween costume. It's in the mail. I wanted something sexy, but not over the top. Last year I did the sexy nurse thing and got way too many cheesy pickup lines. This, I think, will work out better. What's everyone going as?




So stupidity is definitely catching in my dreams - despite knowing how dangerous it is in Morganville, Claire is determined not only to stay but to try and trick the vampires into thinking we have the book. And if that’s not enough for one dream, one of my roommates invited their psychic friend over to the house to hold a seance where she described how I died (luckily without telling anyone it was me since Claire’s still the only one who knows there) and tells everyone the ghost in the house is not at rest.

With everything that’s happening involving me and my roommates can anyone really blame me for not being at rest?




I'm thinking of having a Hitchcock movie marathon. I've seen Psycho and Vertigo. What other Hitchcock movies would you recommend?




Having one of those weeks so far and it's only Tuesday. Just many little annoying things all adding up to create something more dramatic than it should be.

To top off my morning I got a ticket. Gotta love how they tell you to 'have a good day' after costing you 400 dollars and scolding you. How thrilling.




Just out of curiosity, has anyone on this Network ever had a Dream (capital D dream) outside of Orange County? While on vacation, perhaps, or a business trip? I never have, though I've been away from the County several times since I started Dreaming.




WE WON! Just one more set of games and it's the world series!

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Hell if we even make it to the world series we haven't even won the pennant since the 40s.