
October 2nd, 2016




I want to be like Mykie. Okay, so in all seriousness, I might have to try that out this Halloween.

[ooc: video contains some creepy elements, but nothing too awful.]




There's a couple making out in a booth at Chipotle. I'm legitimately waiting for them to start dry humping each other. Everyone is pretty obviously uncomfortable and like four people have left. You'd think my dreams and all the wanton public sex in them would have gotten me used to this but apparently not. Or I just don't like people fucking so close to my food.




Take an unintentionally long nap after work, Dream of lopping off the head of a former friend and associate. Goodbye, Braden. You were a dick to me, but I still felt horrible about ending your life. He was infected. Pretty far into turning, too. The others weren't going to do it and when they saw me do it they were horrified with me. They're not going to survive in that world and it pains me knowing that.

I left them. I wasn't going to stick around with people who were so quick to abandon me. I assume I'm heading back to find Vasiliy and the others if they're still around.

I've been such a mess in the Dreams. Sleep deprived. Every time I try to sleep in my Dreams I dream of Eichorst and wake up choking, remembering the collar. I think I might be going bonkers. I'm considerably better off in this world, though that asshole does haunt my thoughts from time to time.




Wow, just, wow. Now these hips just don't lie! And I definitely need to master that move at the end!