
September 23rd, 2016




Our son takes after me.

cut for image, viewable to all )




If there is one thing that remains true through both sets of dreams, it's that Asgardians lead to headaches. Seeing Coulson and May tell off Odin though? That might have been more amusing than it probably should have been. But given we were on Asgard to stop his assassination then him getting all uppity, it was certainly worth it.

Honestly though. They always leave such a mess.

Having Bobbi and Doctor Hayes join the team though after that was quite welcomed though, especially as I can go back to the lab and not be required for emergency medical issues.




Pan and I are finally settled into our apartment, the last boxes unpacked and everything put away. Even got the cable hooked up so he can have his cartoon time back every day which makes him happy. He'd be a whole lot happier though if I wasn't getting rid of all the empty boxes that he's been using to play "hide and scare the shit out of my human in the middle of the night by jumping out of them at him" but there's just not the room here. And even if there was I don't want to be living with my apartment full of cardboard boxes for the entire school year. Sorry Pan will just have to content himself with his shows, hoodies and the insane amount of toys laying around the place that we brought from home.

I should probably introduce myself now that I've shared all that huh? My name's Armin Arlert and I just moved here to start college at UCI. One of my neighbors mentioned this network and I thought it might be a good way to get to know some people in the area.




It would have been nice if my father could have actually made time to see me while I was in Japan for the summer after making such a big deal out of wanting me to visit. Or been honest with Maman and I and told me it was really the staff at his house that wanted me to come visit so they could see "what a fine young man I'm growing into" and ask how she was doing. Peut-etre un jour je saurai d'attendre jusqu'a ce qu'il veuille vraiment de passer les temps avec moi aux visites

My cousin mentioned this network to me while I was in Japan and suggested that I join it to try to meet some people away from school. My name is Rene Tamaki Richard de Grantaine Suoh Tamaki Suoh.


Maman won't give me an honest answer I know because she doesn't want to worry me so I'll ask you - how was her health this summer?

Also - it's very difficult to get used to not using my full name here but I'm trying cousin.




I was excited when my parents promised for me to live in an apartment off campus rather than a dorm. I wouldn't have someone snoring in my ear, I'd get to bring my baby girl (it's okay when it's a dog snoring, that's different), and I'd have my own kitchen. In a dorm, I'd have just a microwave and a meal plan. I love cooking, even before I started helping Mom out in the bakery I would watch her cook at home.

So I started to make dinner tonight. I got everything out and started to prep... guess who forgot a can opener while packing. Now I'm having to figure out if it would be quicker to put everything perishable back up and run to the store to buy one, or if I should just order take out.




Yes, Artie, allow me to go track down that dagger for you that is difficult to find. No, it is okay, being alone in a world I do not know is totally alright with me. Also it is perfectly fine to make me keep this mission a secret from everyone. It is also fine to further isolate me from the only people I actually know.

One would think allowing me to develop and cultivate healthy relationships with the only three people I actually know in the modern world would be a better course of action. Especially after I spent one hundred and ten years completely isolated within my own bloody mind. But no, apparently the answer is for me to be alone in the world.

I am almost wishing my dreams would go back to my being the villain. I at least was around people while being evil.




I really don't understand people sometimes? I was trying to get froyo on my way home from school, and some soccer mom kept looking over at me and tsking. As she left, she made the comment that I "was too young to work there and need to be back in school". I... don't work here? I'm sitting here trying to uncover the frozen yogurt I buried in kiwi, with a backpack sitting at my feet. How does that translate into working somewhere? Maybe it's because the employee had gone missing somewhere behind the yogurt machines, and I was in my school uniform. Because a uniform always means you work in the place you're in, I guess? It was just a very weird interaction.




My dear friend Grantaire theorizes that I have fairies living in my hair who sprinkle glitter on me whenever I forget to put some on that day.

Considering there are days when I have glitter that I don't remember putting on, he may not be too wrong!

Though glitter is one of those things that never fully goes away.