
September 19th, 2016




It's international Talk Like a Pirate Day today. Yeah, I know it's one of those made-up internet holidays, but whatever. I'm gonna spend the day annoying the crap out of my roommate with pirate talk.

Also, rum.




Can't believe my last year of college is about to start. After my summer internship I decided I want to go into party planning. Whoops? So not changing my major again though. So close to finishing I just want a degree.

Besides I'm basically a pro at party planning already anyway. So if anyone needs help planning or throwing a party let me know!




I guess I can officially say goodbye to the delicacies of human food and just about all its alcoholic splendors. This past weekend was my first test-drive as a full turian - meaning, I'm a goddamn alien, and if you're interested in having some kind of visual image to satisfy curiosity, below is an example as to why I should never take selfies.

cut for image )

Thanks to a friend I've got a gadget that'll allow me to walk among the rest of you as my usual human self (some kind of magical illusion thing), but if you happen to see the above, don't shoot. Don't have an aneurysm. I actually do come in peace. Don't hate me because I'm beautiful.




[Public post, cut for image] )




Today is pirate day, and I'd like to remember a pirate who I am far too familiar with.

Hondo Ohnaka. Hondo, a war profiteer who somehow can make you like him. Hondo, who managed to capture a Sith Lord for a brief period of time. Hondo, who for reasons I still don't understand helped us rescue some hostages, and who later delivered much needed weapons when I was training rebel forces on Onderon against the Separatists.

I still haven't quite forgiven him for the incident with the younglings and the Kyber crystals, but he did make up for it by rescuing us from the clankers.

For a pirate and profiteer, he often seemed to have a conscience, small as it was. He even found himself helping one of my rebel cells against the Empire. Sort of.

Here's to you, Hondo Ohnaka. If you ever come to Orange County I might literally scream.




I might not be a pirate, but I had a bit of fun today. Replaced my prosthetic with a hook and entertained some kids at the park. They finally managed to 'sink' the play fort I'd claimed as my ship.




Rebekah says I'm NOT allowed to name my future daughter and her niece Arya Sansa Mikaelson, First of her Name, Mother of Cuddles. I think she fails to see just how awesome that name would be. Maybe they'd actually bring Winter to California, Beks. But you're too selfish, you probably didn't think of that, did you?

By the way, I'm kidding Tats, I'd never name her Arya Sansa....Cersei Jamie maybe....




All I'm hearing from whiny little teens is how there life is totally ruined because they couldn't get the iPhone 7 on opening day, or how the Apple Watch Series 2 is completely sold out everywhere and they can't get it. To watch them have their meltdowns is to laugh.