
August 31st, 2016




Has the attitude toward dispensaries for medicinal marijuana changed around here or is it still considered inappropriate to have a storefront around regular shopping centers?

I'm trying to find a place for one and real estate here doesn't come cheap, especially not commercially-zoned.




Fat-shaming is never okay. But it's especially not okay in a video game like Pokemon Go. I decided to play while I was walking Whit at the park and came across a nidoran, cute little bunny unicorn and I didn't even think anything about catching a second one because hey experience points right? Anyway! When the information came up about her she was marked XL. She was maybe 1 kg bigger than my other one and there was nothing on the first one about being large or anything like that. Not cool Pokemon Go. Not cool.




Apparently the OC isn't the only place where bizarre things happen. Minnesota is fucking weird.

Though, he's probably a better mayor than most of them out there.




Has anyone checked out the new challenges on Fitbit? I did the Vernal Falls one today and it's interesting. If you haven't checked it out, it certainly does create a new type of challenge for you to not only hit your step goal but to go above and beyond. There's only a couple, but there may be more. I hope there is, like "climbing" Mount Everest, someplace I may never get a chance to see in person. I think I'll find it extremely helpful once the fall term starts too, to give me motivation to move around during my down time.




I think I want to study sciences at College. Maybe Forensics? Or Physics? Medicine could be interesting too.

Why is it so hard to choose? I want to do so many things.

My brothers have been begging me to take them to Disney though. The thought of them high on sugar though... It's a scary scary thing to deal with.