
August 14th, 2016




So, this morning I woke up to find a second set of dog tags around my neck and a square, zippo-like lighter on the end table. Dream Gifts. Somehow, I didn't think I'd get any. My mistake.




Sleep is hard to come by when you're busy worrying about everything. I'm pretty sure this is how I'll go insane.

But until then, more coffee fancy weird ones. I want to try them all.




I almost certainly just spent too much money on these cookies, but I'm very excited to get them. I may leave them around the offices as little pick-me-ups.




I guess I'm joining the dream-repeat team. Reliving meeting my friends was nice. Reliving learning my dad was a terrorist anti-bender bigot, not so nice.




How come no one told me before I started self defense training that it was possible to get bruises on top of bruises? Pretty sure the only part of me not covered in bruises right now is my face. And maybe the bottom of my feet although judging by the way they feel now that I'm home and out of my shoes after working a double today - I'm not too sure they aren't bruised too.

On the plus side though - I finally managed to actually land a punch on Nasir during our training session. It wasn't very hard and I doubt it's going to leave even a tiny bruise but it's the first time I've managed to do that since he started training me so I'm counting it as a win.




Tfw you discover that one of your greatest enemies is a species that's an offshoot of your oldest ally, a member of which one of your most trustworthy officers and friends is.