
June 23rd, 2016




So..This new dream I had, has me more 'grown up'. Not sure how old I am but I know I'm not a little kid anymore. And I missed the concert for daddy....




I've said it before and I'll say it again, the one thing I really miss about being human is tanning. Sure, I could use self tanner, but it always looks so fake. Even if I can't actually tan, that doesn't stop me from laying out in the yard though. I suppose one up side to not tanning is, I don't need to worry about sun screen and skin cancer.




Brexit has my parents arguing. My mum is firmly on the stay side and my dad wants Britain to leave. I've claimed to have no opinion whatsoever so neither of them think I'm taking sides. It's amazing watching the tallies, though. I never thought so many people would vote to leave.