
May 16th, 2016




That was an extremely unpleasant dream. Gabriel had come to tell us that his father, Benedict Lightwood, had contracted demon pox, which I'll admit, none of us thought was a real thing except for Will. Apparently after contracting the pox, Benedict eventually turned into a giant worm and killed their household staff. We all went to Lightwood manor and encountered Benedict and after quite the fight, it was Gabriel who struck the killing blow with one of his arrows. Gideon had already come to stay at the Institute before this turn of events and afterwards, when their manor was seized, Gabriel stayed at the Institute as well.

I'm not entirely sure I'll be able to sleep again after that. Dreaming about a giant demonic worm is certainly something that could put you off sleep for awhile.




I've been told by my shrink that I need to be more social. I heard about this network on campus and figured I might as well check it out.

So yeah.

Hi I'm Derek.... and I'm not an alcoholic.




Being without my shadow and unable to go out in the sun has left my days rather empty and I've been trying to fill them by finding new and interesting things to read and learn about. In my findings recently I have discovered the canon that my Dreams come from. I'm really very excited about this! Finally I can show people the world that I dream about! I've wanted to do this ever since the dreams started!

I've also discovered the wild and interesting world of fanfiction. Oh my goodness, there is a lot of fanfiction for the canon my Dream self comes from. Some of it is fantastic while others are...well not so fantastic, and a lot of what is called slash fiction. I'm not sure I understand why, but writers like to pair up our cook and our swordsman. It doesn't make any sense, but it's interesting to read.