
May 14th, 2016




Around this time next week I'm going to be at the Ministry of Sound half a world away.

I told myself I'd go to bed early but I'm so wound up about this trip that I don't see that happening tonight. I'll sleep during my flight. If I get jet lag you can all say 'I told you so.' I am homeward bound. Well, tomorrow.




Ugh, I don't feel so hot. I think I ate something that didn't agree with me. I hope I didn't pick up the bug that's going around the gym.




When it's as nice as it has been, I dislike being cooped up inside a lecture hall. As a result, I might teacher my classes outside on Monday. There's nothing I do inside that I can't do outside.




I am the proud owner of a lifetime supply of hot sauce. Thanks dreams :) Now I just need to find a place to keep it all.




So that is what you meant about the dreams. That was...unsettling. I didn't expect to be born as a grown person.




Screw this. Screw the dreams. Screw Osborne.

I'm so done with this stupid initiative.

I am taking liquid painkillers and going to sleep in a blurred state for a week hopefully.