
May 6th, 2016




Alright, after all that destruction and bullshit of course I wish none of it had happened, but it felt good fighting a fight I could actually win. Made me feel like I was meant for this stuff.




These dreams and studying for finals don't mix well. And I thought having ADHD and dyslexia and studying didn't mix well, but this is worse cause now I keep getting distracted from studying to think about the dreams.

When we got back to school, I overheard Mr. Brunner and my friend Grover talking about how my life was now in danger. It made me really suspicious about what was going on after the whole being attacked by my other teacher thing. Then at the end of the school year, Grover wanted me to wait for him at the bus, but I was still really suspicious about what was going on so I went home by myself. In the dreams, my mom was married to this really gross guy named Gabe who enjoyed nothing more than harassing me. When I got home, he was playing poker with his friends and hit me up for money. I don't know what my mom saw in this guy. I mean, he had this weird smell and was just horrible. Luckily my mom came home soon after and said me and her could go to Montauk for the weekend, which was fine with me cause it'd get us away from Gabe. It's kind of funny that we were going to Montauk cause that's where I used to spend time in the summer.

That same night though things started to get even weirder. First Grover showed up outside our cabin without pants. That's not the weirdest part though. From the waist down, he was a goat. My best friend was a satyr and I had no idea. Not that I knew satyrs actually existed or anything. So Grover told us we had to leave cause we were in danger and my mom just went with it. We got int he car and she started driving like a freakin' race car driver and then a hurricane hit and we ended up getting struck by lightning. Turns out, we had been chased by a Minotaur and it really wanted us dead. It ended up injuring Grover then it...I don't even know what it did, but it grabbed my mom and she disappeared in a flash of light. I was so angry that I somehow broke off one of it's horns and stabbed it with it. I killed a Minotaur! I stil can't even comprehend it. I pulled Grover over some hill after that then passed out.

I woke up in real life after that and couldn't get back to sleep and haven't been able to study since. If I fail cause of these dreams, I won't be happy.




I officially hate the desert.




Seems I've received a victory gift at an awkward time. I woke up with my dreamcatcher tattoo on my inner forearm. It really is lovely, but it looks like I'll be wearing long sleeves around my mum. She's, uh... Not fond of body modification. I take out my nose ring around her. My dad, on the other hand, will probably think it's cool.




We got our costumes for the ballet today! Mine is pretty much true to Disney's Alice in Wonderland and my shoes will be white. Some of them are really wild.




Yesterday and the day before were like the best workout of my lifetime, but ugh, I'm so sore. If I hadn't spent my last dime on fixing my car I'd go get a massage.




Good evening kittens! A little birdie told me I should look into this website and I thought, why not? I guess this is the part where I introduce myself?

I'm Bast. I've been the OC most of my life, but my father's from Egypt. I have a cat named Muffin and she's my precious baby. She even deigned to lick my nose today, so I feel pretty blessed. I'm a previous OCPD employee and current protector of innocent and adorable humans. I guess I've protected less innocent ones, too, but that's no matter.

I'm sure I'll get to know you all soon enough!