
April 13th, 2016




There is seriously nothing as fun as dressing up in war paint. Sometimes? Sometimes as a stunt person we get to be an extra, too.




Well... that was a weird dream...



texts to Kitty Winter

» Hi. I got your number from Sherlock
» I'm going over some of these files from a cold case and I got access to some additional files
» I was wondering if you'd like to accompany me to the station to look through them.

» As much as musty storage rooms can be exciting.




I got asked to give a talk at my gym for prospective students - both men and women - they want me to help inspire the next group.




Succulents are some of neatest little plants ever. Don't you think?




I find it interesting that there seems to be a pattern on the network. More and more people waking up with tattoos.

I also had a tattoo in my dreams, but I've been working on completing it while awake. It didn't simply appear for me, I've had to work for it.

It should be finished in another two or three sessions. Another month or so. I'm anxious to have it completed.




I have decided that I do not enjoy these "Dreams". Ugh.




My dream counterpart is becoming petty. Also, I get to add "bride of Frankenstein" to the list of things I've been referred to as.




Have you ever had a dream that mirrored real life? Last night Eichorst visited me in the white room he keeps me in. He sat uncomfortably close to me. I couldn't pull away on account of being chained up. Bastard. He taunted me, saying how he knew I liked to be looked at and brought up the way I dressed and wore my hair. Sort of like Ruth, only Ruth isn't going to drain me of my blood and turn me into a vampire. There was a revelation, though. I figured out why the creepy bastard is so fucking obsessed with me. Apparently I remind him of a woman he knew when he was a human. One he could never 'possess'. His wording, not mine. He really is a creeper. He said he could have other things - power, the respect of other men, but never her. It must have driven the asshole up a wall. And then I come along and remind him of her. Shit. He's probably going to take seventy years of anger out on me in these dreams. I do not look forward to experiencing that.




Ok. If someone wants to turn off this horror movie ride that would be great. Had a lovely dream about a fifteen year old version of myself seeing a boy who wasn't there, hearing creepy noises in the high school auditorium, deciding to dye my hair in the school bathroom (seriously, kid?), and finally being confronted by yet another freaky burn victim who chased me through the school.

And apparently when you claim you're seeing people that don't exist people tend to side eye you. So, no one should be surprised that after a brief stint in the hospital I've been shipped off to a group home for "disturbed teens".

And top to it all off I heard whispers earlier. Great.




I can't believe I told Han Solo that I was a "big deal" in the Resistance.

Guy totally called my bluff.

Now all he calls me is "Big Deal". If I could smack dream me upside the head, I would right now.


Glad to know my uncle is a complete douchebag in my dreams who just manipulates and threatens people to get what he wants. It's not like he's a fucking saint in real life, but he doesn't go around murdering people or turning them into werewolves.

Also, not exactly happy with getting chained up and tortured by a psycho bitch. ...No offense, Allison.




Has anyone else seen something so bad in their dreams that even when you woke up, you couldn't get that horrible image out of your mind?




I guess I can add "talks to animals" to my list of usable skills. I meant to mention this before, but I got distracted trying to get down responding to them.