
March 5th, 2016




So.. Apparently this dream the girl dressed in white saved my dad from some guy named Aleskei? Giant guy. But it was nice to dream about my dad, even if it was for a moment




One of these days I will figure out I never buy just one book when I go to the bookstore no matter what I tell myself or plan for.

Today is not that day. If anyone needs me, I'll be reading.




So we found a Golem. She hates pigeons. Like really, really hates pigeons. So we took her along with us to get these Sacred Ashes that were supposed to cure this bloke we needed. He has an army. We need that army to defeat the Blight. Scratch his back he scratches ours, that sort of thing. Something tells me when we seek help from the Dwarves and Elves we're going to have to fetch strange things for them too.

So we brought the ashes back to Redcliffe only to discover this poor boy was possessed by a demon.

Bright point, we killed a dragon! Really big one, too.




Backdated to late last night

Blocked from Rapunzel and Logan

Should I see if my girlfriend wants to move in together, or should I live with my father that I didn't know until last year but is actually the person I was cloned from in the dreams and we are very close?


I am going on a trip. It should be a short one but I will miss you.




It would appear that today is National Absinthe Day. I think Vanessa and I will have to honor the day and have a glass tonight.




warty hogs.




language and triggery content )




It's official! The end of the year performance will be Alice's Adventures in Wonderland! I can't wait to audition!




As annoying as parts of these dreams may be, at least they left most welcome gifts for me this time. I suppose it makes up for some of the insanity I am surrounded by in these dreams.