
February 29th, 2016




How many of you consider yourself a specialist in any given field of noteworthy import?




I knew it. I knew I was going to have another Dream. Holy...crap.

[Filtered to Teen Wolf]

Scott. Allison. Derek. You were all in my Dream. And I don't think it's just because I talked to you all last night. Danny too OMG.





Well at least, last nights dream wasn't anything crazy.

[Private to Peter]
Dreamed of you again lol. Apparently in my dream you were my best-friend. So obviously we have to make this come true lol




Today is definitely a Monday. It's just been one thing after another. We woke up a bit late this morning, I made breakfast only to drop my toast butter side down on the floor, and then Valerian got sick on me. I'm about to give up on today and it's not even really started.




The dreams seemed to stop for me for a little bit. I don't know why they did that because I really did want to know what happened next in them, but I had another one last night. Very action packed, lots of explosions, very Michael Bay-ish if I'm being honest here. Still, managed to save some POWs and get them back alive.




Good to know that the S shaped scar from my dream crossed over here to the waking world. My dream self is stupid and called it a birth mark, when it is clearly a burn. My dream self is really stupid apparently.




Over the weekend two new video games have been released. Pokemon Sun and Moon. I gotta admit I'm looking forward to both, I started replaying the old ones again. The thing that gets annoying is that unlike most games you have to train each one individually. The others don't get XP because they are in a team. But it's also part of it's charm I guess.




This place is one of great surprise, and typically not in a way that many of us would think it to be a nice surprise. It makes one wonder what will happen next.




It amuses me that, now that Leonardo DiCaprio has won his Oscar, one of the big things was that the Leo memes would be over; however, now there was simply new memes about him winning. It's extremely amusing.

We had an Oscar viewing party here at the Shelter last night. It was a lot of fun cause we decorated the common room and had snacks and had an Oscar poll. Leo was highest on the poll of course. No surprise there.




So far in my dreams, the girl I was seeing has been attacked by some animal in the woods, and my football coach ended up dead in the school parking lot. I really can't blame the girl I was seeing for getting the hell out of Dodge, since given the way other people's dreams have seemed to go, my dreams seem to be going to way of a slasher flick.




Baxter's Bakery Location #2 [Address details] is now open for business!

Come along and see the wonderful team we have here and let us know if you think we've still got the magic of the original!

And since we're opening on a Leap Day anybody who buys a sparkling latte gets a themed cookie for free and if you're dressed as a mythical being yourself then you'll get your drink free too! :D




My Dreams make me seem as if I am a better person there than I am here. My fate there seems more uncertain. I can't decide which world is better for me. There, where I am a better person with an uncertain fate, or here where I am a happier person with a chance to live.

I suppose some things aren't meant to be understood.




Alright - I just want to knock my dream self out for being an idiot. It's not enough that I've asked two of my best friends to move in to the house and I'm doing everything I can to keep them from finding out I'm a ghost - we're advertising for a fourth roommate. Because the last time I did that in the dreams it worked out great. The guy killed me and now I'm trapped in my damn house as a ghost.

My dream self is just asking for trouble.




I guess I'd gotten spoiled only having one dream a month but I have the answer now as to whether I went to Stanford in the dreams or not - I dreamed about arriving on campus and meeting my roommate so way to go dream me making the decision I would have in my waking life if I got into Stanford.




Who leaves two small boys on a deserted island?

The people in my dreams are insane.




Today seemed like as good a time as any to start my students on their new project - a little flower garden inside our classroom. The kids seem excited about it but that could have been due more to the fact that I gave them free reign to draw whatever design they wanted on their planters. I was a little concerned that the recent weather issues might have affected my little ones but it doesn't seem to have. Their designs were all flowers and bears and I think what was supposed to be a horse.




It feels strange being back home in the OC. But I have to admit I kind of missed it




The dreams started again.

At least this one wasn't as bad as the last.




I am thinking some should learn silence is golden and the value of gold has not decreased over the years.


It's Leap Day. I don't feel like leaping at all, but I'm going to see my girl soon. Maybe she'll change my mind.




You know, some people are just oblivious. There's this guy in my dreams that apparently couldn't catch a hint if it hit him with a hammer. Oh well, his loss. I'm happier here, and have a hot guy to call my own.




I fell asleep on the sofa, and woke up after something quite...startling. I'm still not entirely sure what to make of it.

Private to Peggy

Sorry about that. The girl in the dreams I mean. I...she grabbed me and I am going to stop talking before I stick my foot in my mouth anymore.




After dislocating my shoulder going down a fire escape the wrong way, I seem to be on the mend. My sleep is undisturbed by dreams so far and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.




Things still ain't getting any better in my dreams. Hell, they only seem to be getting worse with each passing one. At least we're still surviving. I reckon that's all that matters, but damn if it don't feel like I'm spinning my wheels all the damned time.




I can't believe that I'm heading back to the place in my dreams where my best friend, and her twin sister went missing. It seems so surreal, and strange but I want to be there for their brother who just so happens to be my best friend here. This is so weird.




This past month has been crap for the most part, but you know, I'm glad that just one of the Scarab Devices came out of my dreams and it only attached itself to me. Now it's locked away in its own safe away from people so it can't make someone hurt someone else. I'm just glad that that's all over with now.




So despite being crappy for weird stuff happening around here again, it's been a good week or so to catch up on science news and in fact, one of my favourite science videos of the week has been this! Yay science!




If the last two weeks have proved anything to me, it's that I need to train harder than I already do! And in different ways, parkour is cool, anything else anyone wants to recommend?