
February 27th, 2016




It would seem that my dream counterpart is spending quite a lot of time pining for Vanessa. In my most recent dream, while sitting at a cafe, pining over a picture of Vanessa, I met a very interesting woman named Angelique. She's quite intriguing, but in a different way from Vanessa. I can only wonder what will follow this meeting. I can tell that I still care very much about Vanessa, but at the same time, I want to know more about Angelique. I suppose only time will tell.




Click for image )

So, I came to work yesterday, and this was sitting in the back, like it just belonged there. I have no idea what it is, why it's in the library, or which of my coworkers brought it. It was still there when we locked up, and no we don't display art or anything. So it's not that. Blame it on watching too many horror movies, but I'm convinced someone got tired of it, or whatever's living in it, haunting their house and decided to pass on the joy to us.




Hey...so..I'm really not very good at these social media things, although I've started liking Tumblr a lot. But I don't need to use words there. It's all graphics driven. Uh..Hey. I'm Yugi. I like pretty much any type of game. I can usually be found on Steam if anyone else plays there.




These dreams just keep getting stranger and stranger...




So I finally get a night to pass out before the sun comes up and then I get a trippy dream? Maybe I should lay off all the girl scout cookies.

What do they put in those things?




I don't know what you people did to me but I want it to stop.

Sorry about waking up screaming Callisto




So. Those dreams. Hell of a thing. Any way to make them stop?

I'd prefer not to have to see anything like that again. It was my family, but at the same time... it wasn't. They were all like twisted versions of themselves.

Except Tommy. But it's hard for a five year old to be twisted, I would hope.