
February 18th, 2016




Sometimes I think Dream me is suicidal. He takes on one of the most dangerous jobs in the area, mouths off to the Empire - the people he's trying to hide from - and gets into fights as though that's what he lives for. And just when I think he's probably the most miserable asshole in the galaxy, he goes and saves some jackass from a mining cave-in and in doing so blows his entire cover.

So, yeah, basically I'm the galaxy's worst Jedi. Sounds about right.




This blood rain needs to stop. Otherwise I may end up with a bunch of Audrey's in my yard. My poor plants :(

Yeah I just made a Little Shop of Horror's reference. I know, I'm dating myself.




Today I've done what most young things these days call 'adulting,' which include: paying college tuition for the twins in full, finding a new place that doesn't smell like moldy cheese for my family (minus the uncle who brushes his teeth with cocaine every morning), and buying furniture that is 100% new and has never been contaminated with bed bugs to furnish this aforementioned new abode.

We even got housewarming flowers? Or something. Well, more for my mother. Apparently she has a suitor who I've yet to meet who the fuck even is this man but he sent her an impressive white lily arrangement? I don't know what to think about this. She's my mother, she obviously doesn't have to answer to me but I would still like to know who this bloody bloke is. Apparently she met him online, so if any of you fuckers darling people would like to admit to wooing Leandra Hawke, we'll need to sit down and talk so I can threaten the safety of your balls.




anyday now the noise can end.




I managed to stay awake for 37 hours straight. And then I crashed. And then...yeah. I don't know if one night of relative peace (I didn't sleep, so it wasn't exactly restful) was worth it.




I miss Vegas, it was fun and pretty and there were no sightings of a weird monster thing or blood rain.

Even the queue for the sign would be better than this.

Las Vegas sign picture )




Ugh. It's been three days and I still feel like I've been hit by a freight train. These dreams, man. They really get at you.




It is with great reluctance that I post here in this community. Message boards and the like bear very little use to me, but a little suggests a lingering and potentially quantifiable amount.

To what frequency does this county experience this godforsaken 'rain' of a gory nature?