
February 9th, 2016




A restless night. Up at 4am but don't feel like moving much and not sure what to do with it. Laying around is boring, but can't really decide what to do.




Still not quite understanding this tonal shift in my Dreams. I've been teamed up with a Blue Soldier who I'm not sure is insane or just an idiot. His commanding officer couldn't get rid of him fast enough and I'm pretty sure he accidentally killed one of his squad members while I was at his base. Later, we found one of his former squadmates from Blood Gulch, who tried to shoot him and he didn't care. I don't think he even understood he was being shot at. I'm not feeling particularly good about this.

In other news, one of the stray cats that hangs around the apartment complex followed me home last night. She made herself at home on my kitchen counter and is showing no intention of leaving.




Somehow I ended up owning a coffee shop in these dreams. Looks like my dreamself has given up on teaching.




Pancake day in the home of a baker is a wondrous thing :)

Yummy image )




I got ditched by my best friend and roommates for Valentine's Day. Looks like I'm on my own.

I really don't want to end up one of those bar flies drowning his sorrows in pint after pint on the world's most fabricated holiday.




Apparently there is a new movie adaptation of my novel The Invisible Man in the works, starring Johnny Depp. I'm offended by this on principle because adaptations of my novels are almost always terrible. Except Orson Welles' radio adaptation of War of the Worlds from 1938 was positively brilliant.

I have nothing against Johnny Depp. I have everything against adaptations of my works. Especially that version of War of the Worlds with Tom-bloody-Cruise.




Hearing more things about Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. I've never actually seen the ballet, but the idea of performing it fascinates me. I'll be happy dancing in whatever they choose for the end of year performance.

Speaking of things involving rabbits, can you believe Easter is around the corner? ...Sort of. Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself.