
January 20th, 2016




I think I finally had one of those dreams that people have been talking about, and they were boring. Here I'd hoped for something more exciting, but nope, all I get is hitchhiking in the rain and getting picked up by two couples. At least one of the guys is cute, so that helps.




A regular customer came in yesterday and asked if I'd considered doing bacon bouquets for Valentine's Day. I hadn't, but I think it's going to be a thing now. We'll also be running specials on various cuts of steak the week before V-day, so come on by if you're looking for a great cut of meat.




There are rumors going around about what the end of the year production will be. I've heard it's between Swan Lake and A Midsummer Night's Dream. Either way, it's going to be great, but I've always wanted to dance as Odette.




Just watched the Revenant... the horse off the cliff thing bothered me a bit, but otherwise a pretty good movie. Super intense, like. Wow. Also, uh... the forest looks like it sucks. That is all.