
January 15th, 2016




Mum's getting some anti-fungal drug regimen. I feel bad having to leave and all, but my parents promise they understand. I may have cussed at a pair of nurses in the hall for talking too loudly when my mum was trying to sleep. In my defense it was after midnight. Maybe it's better if I'm back in California.




The time has arrived. The opening of Victrola is tomorrow night. Since I am in a generous mood give me your name and I’ll make sure you are on the list.




So yesterday I finally took the plunge and adopted a dog. She's a border collie/lab mix that had been at the shelter for several months, and when I saw her it was -- love at first sight. Her name is Nibbler, after the pet from my dreams, although she doesn't eat nearly as much as he does. She's such a sweetheart.




Hypothetical question.

If you wake up from one of those dreams, sneeze and happen to blow a hole in the wall between your bedroom and bathroom, what do you file that under on the contents insurance?




For some reason there is an abandoned factory or warehouse in the middle of the forest in my dreams. Just hanging out, no big thing. And surprisingly, there wasn't some ax wielding masked murderer inside looking to chop my head off. Instead there were these flying things. Again, I know they're called "hummers", just like I knew what the sniffer dogs were called, even though I haven't heard anyone call them that - not that there's anyone around to call them that. Hummer is kind of a stupid name since they don't hum. They buzz like flies. But they do look like a weird cross between a hummingbird and a bat.

They're obnoxious and they dive at me, but they aren't as nasty as the sniffer dogs. Oh, but don't worry, they're here too. I'm getting really good at swinging this pipe around and killing these things. Yay. Good for me.

And I was kind of wrong about there not being anyone around. I came across this guy sitting in front of a huge boulder. Just chilling. If he noticed the dogs and the bat-things, he didn't seem frightened of them and they didn't seem to want to bother him. Just me. Awesome.

The guy gave me a little bit of history about the rock he was sitting in front of, but honestly, I don't remember anything about it. Then he started talking about this weird cult in the area and that he was doing research on it, or something. I don't think this guy is quite right.




I don't really do the whole "forum/network/we're all connected through the internet" thing, but I figure if it saves me time pounding the pavement, why not?

Anyone know of any jobs open in the area? You name it, I've probably got experience doing it. And if you're really hung up on something fancy like a resume, I can work that out.