
December 27th, 2015




So who's having the wildest New Years party?




Thank you everyone who came to my show! I hope you all had as good a time as I did.




Things that have happened since my last post:

  • I built a snowman

  • I got a Christmas present from no one

  • I dreamed I went through puberty again

  • I've lost part of my finger because of the dreams

I've been busy, to say the least. It's not a great idea to grow up alone in the Edwardian era. Pamphlets about puberty somehow forget to mention the messy bits and dream!me thought she was going to die. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

In positive news I'll be going to Paris soon and I can't wait! I've already got my bags packed and now I just have to wait. Which is hard, I've been waiting to go to Paris my whole life, I think.




A new friend directed me here. I'm pretty new to the area. Swam over from the UK a few years ago, spent some time out near Phoenix. It's a bit different here. Wasn't expecting the snow.

Anyone looking to hire a mechanic?




Has anyone else noticed anything strange today? Like, as in gremlins? Cause I just killed one.




Huh. So winning the Hunger Games got me money and fame. Who wouldn't want that, right? Turns out, winning didn't get me all the perks I was expecting.

If one cool thing has come out of these dreams, other than the people I've met through them, it's the trident I woke up to the other morning. It was like my signature weapon in the games and it's pretty cool. I might have to learn how to use it like I did in the dreams just cause.