
November 20th, 2015




I'm pretty sure my sciatic nerve is never going to be the same after that road trip, but at least I'm here. Seems like I have a roommate too, which is not something I planned on, but when do we ever plan on anything?

And now I have to be the new guy at the hospital. Well sure most of the rules and regulations are the same but there are interoffice hierarchies you have to worry about.

And Jim drags me onto this social networking whatever. Says it'll be good for me. We'll see about that

My name's Leonard McCoy, I work as a surgeon over at Saint Joseph's. Nice to meet you all.




I dreamed something that didn't make sense, but then makes sense once you think about it.

There are legacies in my dreams. People who take on the mantle of others to honor those who have been lost, and to then make that legacy their own.

I just hope I live up to it.




I fell asleep at my desk at work today. The Captain woke me up with a fucking megaphone. I think he was far more amused than he had any right being.

Not like it was my fault though. I got a full eight hours of sleep last night. But in my goddamn dreams D decided it would be hilarious to keep me up all night with some horrific adult sex ed lesson.

These dreams really are out to sabotage my career. And I'm pretty sure I'm officially scarred for life.

((OOC: For anyone interested, D's educational (and SFW) sex ed lesson is here 1 2, read right to left))




For those of us with no plans for Thanksgiving I have it on good authority that the bar I work for will be having a discount on shots during happy hour. I'll even sneak you an extra one if you bring me food.




For those who have no family to celebrate this Holiday with, come on by the Need/Want. While I have allowed for many of my employees to take the night off for family time, there are plenty who volunteered to work. So I promise, there will be plenty to entertain you.




Dreams are getting interesting again. My man friend who saved my life is plotting with me to take out the old, rich bastard that used me to further the vampire apocalypse.

Wow, I just read that part back and realized just how bizarre these dreams are getting. It'd be nice if I had someone like that guy in real life.




When you meet someone who turns you into a complete blubbering idiot, and you marry them, and they still turn you into a complete blubbering idiot.




So I'm facing kind of a dilemma. My parents invited me home this Thanksgiving. They live up north in San Francisco. But this time of year I usually pitch in at a soup kitchen. What would you guys do? It's been a couple years since I ate with my parents.